Ellen Vaughn Simonin, RPT, APC, M.Ed.
How do your clients know .....
.....their diet and supplements are working?

Are you a health and wellness business owner?
Chiropractors Functional Medicine Doctors
Fitness Gyms Yoga Studios
Pilates Studios Massage Therapists
Martial Arts Studios Health Spas
Boxing Gyms Health Clubs
Personal Trainers Other?
Let me help add value to your practice:
* To provide more services for your current clients
* To make it more holistic
* To increase cash income sources
* To set yourself apart from the competition, so you can attract more clients
* Need help offering health care to your employees? I can help you,

Add a FREE Nutrition Program to Your Practice that Scientifically Answers the Question:
...their diet and supplements are working?"
Let's Measure It!

We are so excited to add a new service that will change your life and your business:
Impact Health Sharing
Finally, a way to take control of your healthcare expenses. Impact Health Sharing is a caring community of people who share in each other's medical bills. Impact is for anyone who is interested in saving on their health care.
An Affordable Alternative To Health Insurance
Impact puts the power, the freedom, and the control in paying for health care back into your hands. Learn more about how you can join our community and discover how most members save 30-50% on their healthcare costs.